Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Anniversary Trip and a Little More!

We were able to take a week off of work to go down to Austin/San Antonio for our anniversary! It was great to get away and spend some quality time together before the craziness of July begins.

Cacey was also able to meet with his principal and the dean of curriculum to get lots of books so that he can start planning his lessons for next year. He is really excited but also a little overwhelmed about how much he needs to do before school begins. He is getting ready to start his last round of classes for grad school which is very exciting!

I was able to interview with San Antonio Christian Schools (my alma mater) while I was down there about a Bible position. I wasn't offered the job because I don't have any formal Bible training. It was a really good for me to see if it would be something I would be interested in doing in the future. Right now I'm considering subbing while we adjust and look for a house.

God has been so faithful to us in all of these big decisions. He has clearly opened and closed doors for us which is what we've been asking Him to do.
Our last day of work will be July 23 and then we will make the big move August 3. Please be praying for us as we prepare for this transition, that it would go smoothly and that we would continue to see God at work in all of it. Also pray that we will continue to be faithful during our last month in Norman, and that we would get to spend good time with friends and family while we can!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Big Changes

So, as many of you heard via facebook, Cacey was offered two jobs in San Antonio on Thursday!! He decided to take the job at the magnet school (International School of the Americas). He will be teaching Pre-Calc and AP Calc. We are so excited about this job because it's exactly the content that Cacey wanted to teach and in an awesome school that fits his teaching philosophy! He will need to be there August 6 for a staff retreat and orientation. We are planning on moving down there throughout July and plan to move permanently August 2 or 3. If you want to learn more about Cacey's school go here : http://www.neisd.net/isa/

It has been so neat to see how God answered our prayers specifically and in big ways! He truly did more than we could ever imagine! We are house-hunting right now and are going to try to find something before we move down there.

I am currently job-searching. I really have no idea what I want to do, so I'm up for anything.

We are so so so excited about these changes and know that God will be faithful through it all. We will definitely miss our friends and favorite places in Norman, but we are excited about making more friends and finding new places in San Antonio!

Thanks everyone whose been praying with us about this! God is good!